"Princess Bradley","Sgt. Jackson" & next is "Lola Bee"
Well, I didn't have any luck in finding Bongos in costume, although I do remember 1 party a Jhar's home in Bedford that was a blast in the mid to late 70's... I know I had a picture ... maybe it will turn up by next year.
"Princess Bradley","Sgt. Jackson" & next is "Lola Bee"
Well, I didn't have any luck in finding Bongos in costume, although I do remember 1 party a Jhar's home in Bedford that was a blast in the mid to late 70's... I know I had a picture ... maybe it will turn up by next year.
So, what i have is my parents on the front porch 70s then Dmoo holding my plastic pumpkin that I still have! It is sitting on my dinning room table today! The 3 little ghosts are from my current front yard 2 years ago, boy the landscape has really changed. Next is 60's SHBC skating party, everyone in costume. The CLOWN is my sister!
Then the 90's brought into my life a dear friend Lgoo! We dressed as Laurel & Hardy. I am the tall one - the last picture is us without masks, with Dcri.
Both Lgoo & Dcri are Sagamorans!
Some of the best memories are of walking the neighborhood, going door to door, trick or treat. Many years of our pre & early teens we would do Jkle's area, cuz we walked to Donnie and Lindsey's .... Char lived on the same street. I think I was always a witch, really cant remember.
We would run and my side would hurt. We would walk for miles! Times have changed, and I wouldn't walk now anywhere on any day.
We grew up in the best years, the 60's!
More of my granddaughter Princess Bradley 2008