Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Blessings

Even though we did not share Thanksgiving Day together, we did in spirit. Each of our families gathered around a meal, gave grace & thanks for the blessings we've had during the past year. Above is my family 1943 (before I was thought of) my grandmother center behind the turkey, and my grandfather on the right. My mom is the first lady on the left, this was before she married dad.

Our Family grew ....

1972 Family - Knights with cousins Parker & Sweitzer
Next we have last year 2007 at my sister's, buffet style.

Hope everyone's Thanksgiving is wonderful.
Go Cowboys!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful Thanksgiving tribute. Sure enjoyed seeing the family pics from Skni's past. Skni, you look so much like your Mother in the very top picture. How old would she have been in 1943? Just curious. Anyway, very special. Jmnu and I are hosting the Klemps today. Put my turkey in at 7:00 a.m. Everyone is bringing something so I actually have it fairly easy. Happy Thanksgiving to all the Bongos across Texas. love, jkle

Anonymous said...

We left Thanksgiving morning on a 7:25am flight to Phoenix to spend the day with grandkids. It was nice - unusual weather for Phoenix - cool and rainy! Had to come home today (Friday) on 6am flight! ugh! But we were glad to have spent the time with them - even if it meant little sleep. jhar

Anonymous said...

We are so blessed. Every day that I teach I am so thankful to have grown up surrounded by the love of family and our saviour. I spent Thanksgiving with Mom & Johnny at my step brothers. Everyone came and ate and was gone - it did not even last three hours. It was so different than what I am used to. Today - well I am still in my pjs and loving it. tstei

Anonymous said...

LMAO....Skni, love your voting mechanism and choices for where our Christmas gathering will be!!!! For those of you who are curious, it's on the Thanksgiving blog. You can just about guess what I voted for!!! Let's just say we have been curious about this place for a very long time!!! Hey, very neat that your granddaughter is due to be born 12-8! Let us know. Did anyone attend Mr. Scarborough's funeral on Friday? My folks went but I haven't talked with them yet. love, jkle

Anonymous said...

SKNI, do you have a new granddaughter??