Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Story behind "Bongo Killers" 081373

Let the Son Shine In...

Look above, it was $21.00 for a week of summer camp!

It all began the summer of 1973, we had just graduated High School. Camp in August was already the talk before beginning college or full time work. We all had been going to Camp Sagamore the last several years, it was for the YOUTH of the day having 500 or so attend. Camp was a week-long fun-filled, thought provoking, spirit filled wonderful time.

Each day began with mess hall breakfast, followed by bible study. Afternoons had free time that included crafts, swimming & sports. Every evening in the open air tabernacle was a revival service with youth choir and skits and ended with a preacher message to youth. Many lives were saved, the Holy Spirit very real and active. Many dedicated their life to God's service.

Groups were assigned to a cabin by their school grade, girls and guys were on opposite sides of the campground. Every group took on a "team" name, and this team had to stick together (we learned team building and didnt even know it) to win contests from baseball, volleyball, races and always had to present a skit.

Teams started early summer meetings to prepare for skit and hype up they were the best. Alot of fun pranks went on during the summer and different teams claimed "credit" and some pranks were left unclaimed until after camp... all leading to the fun & hype. Things like toliet papering a house of the cutest or nerdiest, we left a BK calling card.

1973 our group decided to do a skit & theme based on the Dragnet TV show, our title was The Bongo Killers. It was TOP Secret! Actually I cannot remember very much about the skit & much credit should be given to Ccra for the creation, and at the end we revealed we were the The Bongo Killers and ran.

I also ran for camp President that summer, against Donnie Kleiver and Audie Wright.
The late Dr. Fred Swank told me personally (& Dale) that I only lost by four votes. With that said, I knew in my heart I had actually won, because I witnessed several of DK followers "stuffing" the ballot box. I did not share that with Dr. Swank, I kept it to myself until now. Ok maybe I did confide that to a few of you.

Review my photos and let's see some comments! To the left is my current husband Bpie and he is sittin' with Cfar! lol

I would like to hear some other camp memories from that year... i will have a separate blog for each year, more to come.

Did we sing? Yes, all the time!

My first memory of singing together is 3rd grade church choir, with Trevelyn Ray as our director. I was so shy! We soon progressed to the Sextet group above is April 1967:Dkel, Skni, Jpen, Bbow, Jkle, Dcog.

Baseball girls May 1969 You've Gotta Have Heart! Dkel, Jpen, Bbow, Jkle, Skni & Dcog We even did hand bells! December 1968

Later in junior high, we expanded our ensemble and the rumor was that I only had ONE LUNG! Yes, I told Don McCall I only had one lung so I didn't have to hold my note so long. Shame on me, lol. Oh the things we did to him. Then later we were in the ensemble Inheritance (is that the right name?) and that group had guys & girls.

December 1972 above is Dcog, Chor, Skni, Cfar, Jpen, Dkel, Broh, (not sure about these last 2)Vwal?, Stho?

Music is part of our life. Dcog still plays the piano to this day! She is very gifted. She has played the piano for 2 of my weddings and was a bridesmaid in the first one. Dkel has sung in a acapella adult group as well as sung in one of my weddings. Stho graduated from Baylor music dept. and teaches music in Crowley schools. I think we all have been part of adult church choirs since. Music has blessed my life.

How has it blessed yours?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Our Beloved Pets

The last 2 days have been very sad, Smokey was put to sleep yesterday. I have cried my eyes out. Isn't t is something how much we love our pets & they love us back every day. Smokey & I had a very special bond. She sat in my lap every night for the last 2 years. That is about when I found out she was blind. I couldnt believe it, she had adapted so well to her surroundings. There were days I know I heard her speak english, and it was always right before she threw up! (1989 - 2008)

DYK that I have had her longer than any husband! lol

So, I have dedicated today's blog for our beloved pets!

Here are a few others we've enjoyed .... Little-one, Pinkey & Echo for Skni.

I looked for other pets back in our youth.... i cant remember everyone having a pet. Dkee, didnt you have a cat? Tste had a BIG BIG DOG, but I didn't have a picture. Dcog & Stho had dogs too! Bbow how is your itzie one?

Jkle's Josey and the Chihuahua I can't remember his name right now. Jkle will have to comment.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

My First Bongo Blog

What's Up Bongos? The Bongo Bloggers - can you believe how far we have come since the Ouija board! Just think about that slumber party and all the talk, food, music and twister games. We really go back many years prior to 1973.... the first picture I will post will be 1969 at Six Flags. What were we doing? Of course I am not in the picture, cus I was holding the camera. "Jkle" was the leader in search of boys!

Dont worry all, i will post more & more pictures of everyone. You know I have them!

This is a slow start, but I look forward to each of your comments.