Sunday, September 28, 2008

Did we sing? Yes, all the time!

My first memory of singing together is 3rd grade church choir, with Trevelyn Ray as our director. I was so shy! We soon progressed to the Sextet group above is April 1967:Dkel, Skni, Jpen, Bbow, Jkle, Dcog.

Baseball girls May 1969 You've Gotta Have Heart! Dkel, Jpen, Bbow, Jkle, Skni & Dcog We even did hand bells! December 1968

Later in junior high, we expanded our ensemble and the rumor was that I only had ONE LUNG! Yes, I told Don McCall I only had one lung so I didn't have to hold my note so long. Shame on me, lol. Oh the things we did to him. Then later we were in the ensemble Inheritance (is that the right name?) and that group had guys & girls.

December 1972 above is Dcog, Chor, Skni, Cfar, Jpen, Dkel, Broh, (not sure about these last 2)Vwal?, Stho?

Music is part of our life. Dcog still plays the piano to this day! She is very gifted. She has played the piano for 2 of my weddings and was a bridesmaid in the first one. Dkel has sung in a acapella adult group as well as sung in one of my weddings. Stho graduated from Baylor music dept. and teaches music in Crowley schools. I think we all have been part of adult church choirs since. Music has blessed my life.

How has it blessed yours?


Anonymous said...

Music was definitely in the fabric that knit our group together. Not only was there weekly Sunday school, back again on Sunday night for training union and the service, GA's when we were in that age, Bible Sword Drill, but also choir all the way from children's up thru youth choir and the yearly choir trip and handbells that was started when we were in 6th grade. Many of us rang handbells together until we graduated high school! Handbells is also still a part of my life. I ring in the ladies group at my church. I do all the duties of a director but I want to ring and not direct. I pick all of our music and assign the parts and teach new techniques. I have the fun of going with some of our ladies to a yearly handbell festival/clinic. I've also ended up writing several arrangements for handbells and have had a couple of them published and ALL of those seeds were planted in our group.

On a funny note, the dresses we were wearing in the sextet top picture were white dotted swiss and I remember that every time we wore them my Daddy called them our Assembly of God dresses!

I also very recently saw the production of "Damn Yankees" at Casa Manana where our "You Gotta Have Heart" baseball song came from! I get a little smile when I think that our conservative roots let us sing a song from something that had curse word in the title - - he he. I'm pretty sure they never told us the title of the musical so that we wouldn't go around and say it! But when I saw the musical I was singing along in my head and afterwards I told the friends that we went with all about our little group and how we had sung that with a "routine" once upon a time.

Skni, again, THANK YOU for all the time that you're spending on something that is so special to all of us!

Jnan said...


How could you leave out such important musical moments such as The Greatest Singer at Shakey's Pizza and the "Tiny Bubbles" (Bbow and Rharris' Favorite!) assault at 4 Winds Restaurant??? Surly these shaped the musical talents and today's taste in music for the Bongo Killer's generation! Now let me make one note of comparison, the favorite lounge singer at Shakey's actually had huge talent and attracted customers and fellow groupies to the establishment that hired them to perform... unlike the "I've got to skip dessert because I have to get out of here away from the worst singer in history performer, Tiny Bubbles guy" who had customers running and vowing never to return to 4 Winds!

We actually recorded the "Tiny Bubbles" guy before one of the choir tours, I believe my junior year and Bbow and I set behind Rhar and played the theme song "Tiny Bubbles" at key moments during the travel portions of our tour! Rhar loved us for that! Ah what memories...