Saturday, September 27, 2008

Our Beloved Pets

The last 2 days have been very sad, Smokey was put to sleep yesterday. I have cried my eyes out. Isn't t is something how much we love our pets & they love us back every day. Smokey & I had a very special bond. She sat in my lap every night for the last 2 years. That is about when I found out she was blind. I couldnt believe it, she had adapted so well to her surroundings. There were days I know I heard her speak english, and it was always right before she threw up! (1989 - 2008)

DYK that I have had her longer than any husband! lol

So, I have dedicated today's blog for our beloved pets!

Here are a few others we've enjoyed .... Little-one, Pinkey & Echo for Skni.

I looked for other pets back in our youth.... i cant remember everyone having a pet. Dkee, didnt you have a cat? Tste had a BIG BIG DOG, but I didn't have a picture. Dcog & Stho had dogs too! Bbow how is your itzie one?

Jkle's Josey and the Chihuahua I can't remember his name right now. Jkle will have to comment.


jkle said...

We have shared laughter and tears over the past 40+ years. Today was one of those tear-filled times. Skni, my heart breaks for you during your loss of Smokey. Our pets are our children. Your blog today was so heart-felt and filled with loving sentiment. We can all relate as we have lost companions, too. Stho's loss was recent. Dcog lost one of hers, too. I still think of my losses, but now they are happy memories. Getting beyond the grief is not easy. Big hugs to you. Thanks for the picture of me and Samson. I don't think I have seen it. Samson was our chihuahua. Tiger (another chihuahua, was before him). Thanks, too, for the shot of me and Josey. She will be 15 in November. The beagle before her was Jasmine (I lost her a month short of her 16th birthday). Her little brass box of ashes has a special place in my closet. To all of us who have loved and lost our beloved companions, we were blessed by their short presence. Skni, I am thinking about you. On a happier note, I must say I enjoyed your slide show of days past. Thanks so much for your blog creation. love, jkle

jhar said...

skni - i'm so sorry to hear about your sweet kitty. I know how much you loved her - and so did she! She was very lucky to have such a good home with you. :-) Hang in there! jhar

Skni said...

Thank you all for your kindness. I did receive in the mail from Jkle a wonderful verse. Stom sent me a very thoughtful email. We should remember her Sheena, and her new one is Kiyan.

Skni said...

I have added a picture of Dcog and Lily.

Anonymous said...

Hey BK Ladies!

Sorry I haven't written before now but I have been swamped. I am so sorry about Smokey she was a sweet cat. I will have to get a picture of Josh and add it to our pet memorial. Can't wait to see everyone - so much is happening. Love ya - tstein 10.01.08

Anonymous said...

Skni, thank you for putting my sweet Lily in the memorial. I know that your loss of Smokey will be felt for a LONG time! I always told Leslie that the dogs were her sisters and for me they were the other children that I didn't have. My mom was not an animal person and we only had a dog briefly while I was at home. It was a silver poodle named, Gypsy. She was needing a home and we gave it a try. She only wanted to bond with my Mom who was not interested. AND we could not get her housebroken. So because of that, Gypsy's days were numbered in our house. So I had to pretty much wait until I had my own home before I could have my pet family. However, having Gypsy, gave me a one-up for a funny joke that goes around from time to time. The joke is that if you were a stripper and had a name it would be the name of your pet and the street you first lived on so I am "Gypsy Chicago!" I just realized that for my daughter it would be "Rosie Queen" so she's got a pretty good one too! lol dcog 10.01.08

jkle said...

Thanks for posting Josey's picture from October 5. I am so thankful we took it. We had no idea of knowing what was in store on October 7. So much can change is such a short time. I appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers and ask that they continue. I am having a difficult time. I know it will pass but it sure is hard now.