Sunday, October 12, 2008

Glorietta Here We Come!

The first memory I have of Jkle is a trip to Glorietta 1964. I wasn't too sure at first about sharing the back seat of the car during the road trip, but she was so nice and fun. We became friends fast. Jkle was a very adventurous spirit, while I tended to be near my Mom or safety zone. I learned from Jkel how to be assertive (in a positive way) and talk to people (well, maybe I don't talk , but she was & is still a good example). She is definitely a natural born leader.
The group picture she & I are on the front row, our folks are straight behind us on the back row.

Jkle found amazement and humor of my boil on my stomach that trip. It hurt so much, she delighted in teasing me when I would say the darnest things. I remember the fear and the unknown of the strange doctor and medical center. She found humor, and told everyone to my embarrassment.

After Glorietta week, my family continued to Colorado.
A few photos of of those memories will follow below. I have been to Glorietta many times in my youth and as a young adult over the years. It is a special place & favorite memory. My last trip to Glorietta was a winter Ski trip with Single Adults.


Anonymous said...

Didn't see a link to post on the Glorietta blog. What memories! Skni, yes, I remember your boil. Remember that it burst while we were there? You have such a sharp mind for detail. I'm glad that you do because it's sparking my memories. I am in total admiration of you. Thanks for all the kind things you said about me. I guess it's always nice to hear that I had an impression on anyone growing up - good, bad or indifferent. What I remember about you and the entire Knight family was your giving hearts. I remember countless hours standing around the player piano, trekking out to the garage to get Cokes, writing on the chalk board, etc. Your home was always open to us. Such great growing up we all had! love, jkle
October 14, 2008 7:45 PM

jkle said...

One more thing about the Glorietta picture I noticed. Susan and I are front and center. Notice that Rob is in the front but he's off by himself to Susan's right! I see my parents on the very back row holding Todd as a baby. So funny. I don't remember that picture at all. love, jkle